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Your questions and comments are very important to us. Please message us and we'll do our best to reply.

- If you are inquiring about wholesale, please indicate the tpye of items you want ( ID ) and desired quantity. We will send you the wholesale price. We can also arrange time for you to see our warehouse sample.

- For retail items, please indicate the tpye of items you want ( ID ), the desired quantity, and your present mailing location. We will send you the price.

- To rent paintings, mirrors and other items, let us know, and we will send you the renting fee and/or delivering fee. We can also arrange time for you to see our warehouse sample.

- If you are inquiring about renovate and decorate your house, business place, please ask us,

- Let us know if you have any chinese antiques, oil paintings for sale. Send us pictures by e-mail, by mail, or we can book a time to meet.

- Contact us if you would like to join our teams, clubs, and seminars .

- Contact us if you would like us to paint oil portraits for you and your family.

We are located at Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Tel: (905)5461132
Cell: (905)865-0618
Thank you for your visiting!

"" is a division of Feshing International Inc.
Copyright 2007-10, All rights reserved by Feshing International Inc.