Crown Decor
Sells Italy Artist M. Valeri 's Quality Oil Paintings !
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Artist M. Valeri 's Oil Paintings -- for sale !

Artist M. Valeri was born in Rome, Italy on 23 September 1951, Figurative modern landscape painter, sculptor and designer. He is a self-taught artist who has managed to find in the careful study of works of great masters of the past.
If you like to purchase,
please contact us.

Oil Painting
Size: 50 X 70 cm

Oil Painting
Size: 70 X 70 cm

Oil Painting
Size: 70 X 50 cm

Oil Painting
Size: 50 X 70 cm

Oil Painting
Size: 50 X 70 cm

Oil Painting
Size: 150 X 100 cm

Oil Painting
Size: 50 X 70 cm

Oil Painting
Size: 70 X 70 cm

Oil Painting
Size: 70 X 50 cm

Oil Painting
Size: 160 X 60 cm

Oil Painting
Size: 160 X 60 cm

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