Crown Decor
Sell your house fast !
Consluting:  Strategy, VC, Web +, Fashion, R.Estate, Study-Immigrate, Antique
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Antiques  |  Collections   |  Paintings  |  Frames  |  Art Gallery & C. Portraits  |  Sale Net  |  W. Museums  |  W. Galleries  |  World |  Site

Crown Decor

 Art Masters
    Master Yin

  Oil Paintings
  Other Paintings
  Quality Frames
  Door Plates

 House Decor
  Real Estate
  Interior Design
  Exterior Design
  Rent Room Fast
  House Decoration
  House Renovation
  Decor Rent

 Antiques and
  Collecting Seminars
  Appraisers' Clubs
  Collectors' Clubs
  Collections Show

  Art Gallery &
Custom Portraits

  Sale Network
  About Us


  Hamilton City     Houses for Sale

One Bungalow house for sale, close to Mohawk College, can be lived in, or easy be rented out.
Bungalow house, 4+3 rooms, 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms, 2 sets of washers and dryers, whole-house wire fire alarm system, basement side entrance and one escape window; central air conditioning & gas heating, More than 5 parking space, new roof, handover in early 2024, sold as, asked price $650,000. 2024.8.8.

Venture Capital Projects

  1 Biotechnology Inc.
 Support us to start the development of cheap and massive vaccines against the covid19, mutated covid19 and Monkeypox.

 2 Bio-health Inc.
 Support us to development and listing of bio-health products (good for middle-aged and elderly people) and health web platform.

 3 Art and antique Inc.
 Support us to collect art and antiques, set up an auction company, and establish a web platform.

 4 Co-Real estate development
 (1)The development of tourism chains, retirement communities, and real estate web platforms.
Real Estate
 (2) Support our participation in the research, development and product design of special materials: strong fire resistance, high-building fire extinguishing, water resistance, earthquake resistance, damage resistance, ordinary gunfire resistance, and radiation resistance.
Disaster Resistant Materials and Products

  If you are interested these, please contact us:


High quality, low price for luxurious house!

Design - Interior, Exterior -Interior:Different rooms, decortion with cultural heritage.
-Exterior:shape and colour, garden, sculpture, trees and flowers.

Please see our fire proof-B, 174 M2 house, US SD.

Retail - Paintings, Mirrors and Others
Make your place a museum!
-- Sell or rent hand-painted, high quality original oil paintings, Chinese paintings and antiques!

-- Sell or rent hand-painted, reproduced museum quality oil paintings, Chinese paintings, Victorian style mirrors, frames, wood carvings, door plates to make your place more comfortable and luxurious!
Please see our high quality paintings!

Buy your fine paintings, carvings!
-- Buy your fine paintings, carvings, or you can trade in your fine paintings, carvings to buy or rent our paintings.
Send your pictures to us!

House Decor, Renovation,
Sell it Fast!

-- Help you to buy a house and funitures.

-- Decorate your house, office in different styles for living, holiday and parties!

-- Renovate your house, condo, townhouse, office and yards more confortable and luxurious ( Chinese or Europing styles ).

-- Renovate and decorate your house, condo, townhouse, apartment, business and real estate, rent or sell it fast !
See details about these!

Antiques and collections
-- Sell master's arts to museum, gallery and collectors!
-- Sell antiques!
See our antiques and collections!

-- Buy your fine antiques ( paintings, chinese lacquer cinnabars, jades, carvings, porcelain, stamps etc.), or you can trade in your antiques to buy and rent our paintings and mirrors.
Send your pictures to us!

Appraise Chinese antiques for you!
Please contact us!

Collecting Seminars!
-- Teach you to collect Chinese antiques.
See details!


Art Gallery and Custom Portrait
Master' s arts show.
Artists' paintings show.

Paint oil portraits of you!
-- Our artists will paint oil portraits for you and your family. You will cherish them for the rest of your life. As our artists become more well known, the value of your painting will also increase in value.

Paint oil paintings of your pets, garden, house and car!
See more information!


Sale network!
-- So far, our major sale members are in Ontario, canada. You could currently order from our web, and we make direct deliveries to Toronto, Mississauga, Hamilton, Burlington, Ancaster, Dundas, and Guelph, Richmond Hill regions. We also use other shipping companies to ship to Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, New York, Washington D.C., San Francisco, Chicago, Brasilia, Mexico city, Buenos Aires, Paris, London, Berlin, Rome, Moscow, Athens, Amsterdam, Madrid, Oslo, Stockholm, Bern, Budapest, Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Taipei, Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul, New Delhi, Islamabad, Riyadh, Cairo, Kuwait city.

-- Welcom new members to join our sale network. Welcome new members from Toronto,Ottawa, Mississauga, Richmond Hill, Montreal, New York, Washington D.C., San Francisco, Chicago, Paris, London, Berlin, Rome, Moscow, Athens, Amsterdam, Madrid, Oslo, Stockholm, Bern, Budapest, Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Taipei, Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul, New Delhi, Islamabad, Riyadh, Cairo, Kuwait city.

-- We are looking for master artists to join our team.

-- We are looking for artists to join our custom portrait team and to serve our customs.

-- We are looking for Chinese antique appraisers and western painting appraisers to join our appraising team.

-- We are looking for real estate agents, house interior designers, and home renovators to cooperate with us.

Join our teams

About us | Contact us | Advertise with us | Legal info
"" is a division of Feshing International Inc.
Copyright 2007-now, All rights reserved by Feshing International Inc.


Our Services

1.BMSFRBMT (Shanghai) Products
   We supply the more safe, the more green, economical and stable Eco building materials and prefab house system (quickly-assembled) in the world.

BLD-Quickly-Assembled, water-fire proof-B, 174 M2 house, US SD.
BLD Water-Fire-Resistant house (A1) A
2.Jingcheng Glass
 Tonda Furnture
 Jingcheng Glass
   We supply deep processing products such as glass and mirrors.

 3.Web+ Marketing Team

If you need more customers, please contact us. We will help you expanding your business in local, or Ontario, Canada, US, UK, China and worldwide.
 Web+ Marketing Team

4.Feshing Club-EIP
We welcome students, entrepreneurs, investors, organizational managers, and service providers to join our entrepreneurial, investing partner club.
 Feshing Club-EIP

5.Study & Immigration
Canada is one of the best live and developed country in the world. If you would like study and immigrating to here, please contact us. Welcome tutors.
 Study-Immigration Team

If you or your children like a bright future, need problem solving, please contact us. We will help you.Welcome tutors.
 Study Team

If you would like touring, searching antiques,shopping in city of Toronto, or you need appraisal your Chinese antiques, please contact us. We will help you.
 Touring-Shop-Antique Team

7.Feshing club-Health
There are many barriers in life. If you don't pay attention and you may die early. If you are in middle-aged, busy with work, and have no time to take care of yourself.
If you are retired and economically rich, you hope live health and live longer. please contact us, we will help you live health and live longer.
 Feshing club-Health

8.Feshing Clubs
If you would like join Feshing many interested clubs, or you can offer service to our clubs, please contact us.
 Feshing Clubs


Your Donation

  ALS- ice bucket challenge
This is a rare incurable disease in the world, the British scientists Hawking is suffering from ALS; the current lack of research funding, hope that the generous donation of loving philanthropists.
 ALS Team